You huan dao shi 1985

Comedy Horror

The master of a traveling acrobatic squad is bitten off, and gets, a hopping vampire. When he begins to terrorize the city, uses Grandpa and Tien Tien master students as bait, so ghostly warriors, to eventually capture the creature.

Tutti i titoli
  • TW: You huan dao shi You huan dao shi
  • HK: Jiang shi xiao zi Jiang shi xiao zi
  • JP: Yugen Doshi Kyonshizu 1 Yugen Doshi Kyonshizu 1
  • TW: Son of Chinese Vampire Son of Chinese Vampire
  • TW: Ha luo jiang shi Ha luo jiang shi
  • TW: Hello! Dracular Hello! Dracular
  • TW: Hello Dracula Hello Dracula
  • TW: Hello Dracula 1 Hello Dracula 1
Data di rilascio 20 Jun 1986
Link IMDb
