Kesyttömien yö 1990

Crime Thriller Drama

Three boys have gone wild by raping and brutally beating several people. Defense attorney Joseph Fainer accepts the case only to find that the prosecuting attorney is his ex-wife.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Night of the Wilding Night of the Wilding
  • BR: A Noite Selvagem A Noite Selvagem
  • FR: La nuit de la sauvagerie La nuit de la sauvagerie
  • ES: Desafío salvaje Desafío salvaje
  • ES: Noche salvaje Noche salvaje
  • US: Die Nacht der Bestien Die Nacht der Bestien
  • US: Wilding - Bande der Gewalt Wilding - Bande der Gewalt
Data di rilascio 18 Jul 1990
Link IMDb
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