Kummat heput 1994


The BBC sketch show that while continuing to show the misadventures of a series of popular characters now introduces a slew of new oddballs and misfits, including Tory Boy and The Lovely Wobbly Randy Old Ladies.

Tutti i titoli
  • UK: Harry Enfield and Chums Harry Enfield and Chums
  • DE: Harry Enfields ganz alltägliche Grausamkeiten Harry Enfields ganz alltägliche Grausamkeiten
  • RU: Гарри Энфилд и друзья Гарри Энфилд и друзья
  • RS: Хари Енфилд Хари Енфилд
  • UA: Harry Enfield and Chums Harry Enfield and Chums
Data di rilascio 04 Nov 1994
Link IMDb
