Etsin uuden uhrin 2003

Drama Crime Mystery

Psychologist Dr. Brennac is asked by a colleague to help with the case of Claude, a patient on trial for multiple murders. Is Claude really guilty of the crimes, or is he a victim of his own mind?

Tutti i titoli
  • Dédales - Etsin uuden uhrin
  • FR: Dédales Dédales
  • BE: Dédales Dédales
  • BG: Лабиринти Лабиринти
  • FR: Dédales Dédales
  • DE: Dédales - Würfel um dein Leben Dédales - Würfel um dein Leben
  • JP: 迷宮の女 迷宮の女
  • RU: Лабиринты Лабиринты
  • KR: Miro Miro
  • ES: Laberintos Laberintos
  • SE: Intellektets Labyrint Intellektets Labyrint
  • FR: Labyrinth Labyrinth
Data di rilascio 10 Sep 2003
Link IMDb
